Monday, November 30, 2009

Iona ready for swimming and cuddly boys

Boys at Skate 'n' Scoot night...

What a hoot. Fortunately no one had my camera when it was the parents' turn to grab a scooter and charge around to loud pumping music. I was there but it can't have been a pretty sight!

Swimming, surfing, skating and scooting...

There have been numerous surf trips for Dunc and the boys (locally) but both cameras were broken so no piccies. Sadly a great day out on the boat to Flat Rock Beach with the Morrells and Camerons also missed photos of the kids hooning around on the inflatable biscuit. Now we have replaced both cameras so snaps aplenty have been taken of Isabelle (our au pair) throwing the boys for hours in the pool, the school skate 'n' scoot night and the regular new thing of two out of three boys snuggling up for the night - a different combination each time!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Boys camping trip to Coolendel

A couple of weeks ago Dunc took Arthur and Barney on a big boys' camping trip with Jon Perry, Arthur's godfather. They went to a beautiful riverside campsite, called Coolendel (about 3.5 hrs South of here), which had been highly recommended by Jules and Lenka. They had an amazing weekend jumping from 'jump rock', riding the rapids (albeit small!) on inflatable beds and floating about 2km downstream on their inflatable beds. They were joined on the campsite by huge wombats, wallabies, countless birds - fairy wrens, lyre birds, kookaburras. They even managed to squeeze in a bit of 'trick-or-treating' with other camping kids, having picked the Halloween weekend to go away. A few snaps for you to enjoy.

Iona walking!!

I always thought people were making it up when they said that their offspring had taken the first steps on the 1st birthday - however, in Iona's case this is exactly what happened!! Her first steps were to Duncan (typical!) and it has taken a couple of weeks to finally get film of her in action. Here she is in all her glory.