Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Salisbury Downs - Queen's Birthday weekend

We have just returned from an amazing long weekend with Caro, Robert, Grace and Angus at the wonderful 'Salisbury Downs' near Crookwell. First highlight of the weekend was lighting the world's biggest bonfire - Robert had been collecting logs and sticks for months and it was worth the wait. It burned down quickly but the embers continued to burn for three days which kept the kids entertained and saw a fair share of marshmallow roasting action! The next highlight was the arrival of several lambs while we were there. Some were born just metres from the kitchen window and the kids were enlisted to help reunite errant lambs with their mums and sometimes separate a ewe with twins away from the rest of the sheep until she had bonded with them sufficiently to return to the flock. Caro even got to deliver her first lamb! The kids got on so well, despite not having seen each other for a good couple of years. They were outside all the time and when they returned they were contented, tired, hungry and smelly - just like farm dogs. In addition to the six tired, stinky kids there were also three real dogs having the time of their lives - Pumpkin (her first holiday!), Blossom and Kipper. We feel very excited/relieved to know that soon we will have our own land to run around on - albeit 1.5 acres as opposed to 200! We cannot wait. Still got to sell this house first though!