Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Haircuts at last...

Barney and Tenzin finally decided to cut their mop heads into normal short haircuts. Arthur has kept his 'surfer dude' long hair but we love it. As you can see, Iona and Pumpkin have a soft spot for each other.


It took longer than expected to sell our house but at last we have sold and can make plans for our big move on 20 August!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Pumpkin 5.5 mths...

We are so in love with the lab/spaniel cross breed that we're already talking about getting another one!!

That dancing girl again...

Had to share yet another priceless dancing moment with Iona. Check out the one arm bit and the eye movements!!

Malolo Lai Lai, FIJI - Bula!

The past two weeks have been spent in Fiji at Plantation Island Resort on Malolo Lai Lai where we decided to spend my 40th birthday with the kids. A fabulous way to sneak off to the sun during this cool period! Our days were spent taking one of the free snorkelling trips to the reef or free fishing trips out on a long boat, Dunc taking the kids out on the windsurfer or hobie cat, snorkelling off the beach, eating and drinking far too much (of course), Dunc and the two big boys game fishing and of course the 29th June was my big birthday.

Within 48 hrs of arriving the boys all had hair braids dotted around their heads, a few days later Iona allowed just one token braid to be put in hers! The sunsets never got boring, especially lying in a hammock with a nice chilled sundowner pre-dinner while the kids hunted for hermit crabs on the beach before us.

On my first snorkelling outing to the reef with the three boys, leaving Dunc behind with Iona, we saw a banded sea snake. It is a stunning snake with thick white and black bands and yellow lips measuring about 1.5 metres long and needing to surface for air every now and then. The three boys and I spent 10 mins above the banded sea snake as it wove its way through the coral. Then it seemed to dance through the water as it slid upwards to surface for air. Once it got to the surface it stuck its head out for a look around and by this stage was about 5 feet from us. I suddenly realised that it was now hard to see which way it was gliding on the surface so suggested to the boys that we head back closer to the sand bar. Once back at the boat I asked the boat man if the banded sea snake was dangerous at all to which he calmly replied "It is one of the most deadly poisonous things in the ocean." I have since checked the net and he appears to have been telling the truth although they are not aggressive unless provoked!!!!

Dunc wanted to go game fishing far out to sea to catch 'the big one' so off he went managing to hook a Barney sized Mahi Mahi that fought on his line and danced over the water for about 7 minutes before getting away. Another guy caught a smaller one and the fillets from one side of it were plenty to feed the six of us that night on the BBQ. Two days later Dunc took Arthur and Barney out fishing on the same game fishing boat. The two boys were triumphant - both catching a tuna. Prior to the game fishing the three boys had all caught fish on the long boat daily trip - pics below.

There were so many magical moments that I am sharing most of the photos! Check out the younger sister looking on in awe at the way her brother handles his ice cream.

Towards the end of our stay it was my 40th birthday. We had witnessed many birthday cakes being presented to various guests at the resort in the previous ten days accompanied by singers, musicians etc. Dunc asked if I wanted to leave the kids at the kids' club and go to a smarter restaurant elsewhere but I preferred to all eat together, get my cake and singers and be thoroughly spoilt by the Plantation Island Resort staff instead! It was quite hilarious when a procession of waiters/waitresses suddenly walked through the resort restaurant and along the beach towards our table singing a Fijian song with guitars etc. They then announced my name and age (thanks to Arthur for the 40 candles on top!) to the entire resort and asked them to sing Happy Birthday. The best bit was the 2nd verse that Fijians do which sang "Happy Long Life to You". This verse is definitely going to be included at all family birthday celebrations from now on! All Fijians seem to have stunning singing voices so it was a real joy to hear them - especially as they were singing to me!

In addition to the obvious favourites like snorkelling, fishing and swimming, the best thing about the trip was watching the four kids together, outside all the time, excited by the simplest things - hermit crab hunting, racing boats made from coconut husks, getting Dunc to chisel his way into recently fallen coconuts on a daily basis to stick straws into and suck out the coconut milk, climbing trees, collecting shell families, taking naps in hammocks, on hobie cats and never expressing a moment of boredom.