Thursday, May 12, 2011

Seal Rocks Easter 2011

We set off from Sydney on 16th April in torrential rain that you could hardly see through even with windscreen wipers on full blast. Despite a wet tent erection we were then blessed with ten dry days all around 20-25 degrees. It was just perfect. We had five days as a family on our own and then Matt, Laura and Hamish Howe came to join us for another five days. The best Seal Rocks trip yet we all agreed. Awesome.

More Seal Rocks Easter 2011

Bean and his little sister adore each other.

The gang on the dunes.

Iona's first go at dune surfing.

Big brother shows her how to do it standing up! Not quite her level just yet.

More from Seal Rocks Easter 2011

All zinc on and ready to go...

Barney's unique 'flying' style on the boogie board.

Base camp.

More from Seal Rocks Easter 2011

An early morning fishing trip for the boys while I jogged with Iona in the pram for 5kms up and down the beach - we had the whole beach to ourselves like this most mornings before breakfast!

The one successful fishing trip of the holiday - a squid each for Arthur and Barney!

Small boy fishing at Lighthouse beach.

More from Seal Rocks Easter 2011

Barney and Hamish looking the part but not actually having caught any waves!

Dunc with a fully laden sea kayak - our three lads + Hamish.

The motley crew by the view from the Lighthouse.

The view of Seal Rocks from the Lighthouse.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

More Seal Rocks Easter 2011...

Campfire with lovely Matt, Laura and Hamish who fell in love with Seal Rocks as much as we did a few years ago. Note the old lady (me) in a chair having popped a rib and not been able to move AT ALL for an hour or so that morning. Never been in so much pain, ever.

Headlamps and board games were a regular evening feature!

More Seal Rocks Easter 2011...

A wonderful walk along Lighthouse beach - jumping from sand dunes, goofy silhouettes, nearing the end of a fantastic holiday - magical.

Our four + Hamish.

Arthur Bean.



The W-M tribe.

6th April Ranch warming with school buddies...

We decided to have a very belated ranch warming party but once we'd counted Arthur and Barney's Yr 2 and Yr 4 school friends + siblings and parents it came to 55! So we had stage one of ranch warming parties and will do it again with mates from outside school. We had a sheep cooking away on a spit roaster and the kids ran riot in the garden until it got dark. Then the carport was converted into a cinema so we handed them sausages in buns, popcorn and ice creams while 30 of them cuddled up on bean bags under blankets to watch movies and leave the adults in peace on the deck to enjoy the lamb and lots of drinks! A huge success.

North Curlie dog park at dusk...

The rabble with Pumpkin.

One of my favourite photos this year, taken with my IPhone!