Tuesday, June 19, 2012

May - BEST NEWS OF 2012

DAD'S PET SCAN WAS CLEAR!!!!!!! The five months of treatment endured in hospital was worth it. We are all SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO relieved and excited to be seeing him again so soon.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Dunc practising for our absence

Dunc will have ten peaceful days (apart from going to work!) when we are all away and he can just enjoy Pumpkin and Lulu by the log fire. 

Bruce Paterson - 1929 - 2012

Our dear friend and former neighbour for nine years, Bruce Paterson, sadly passed away on 7th June aged 83. He was an incredible man  - so utterly in touch with nature. He spent 40 years doing bush regeneration in the bush land behind our old house, he was a highly talented artist, graphic designer and musician. He did everything in epic proportions - like cycling from Sydney to Perth in his younger years! Just last year Manly Surf Club taught him to surf, aged 82 (!) and he was shown on a documentary doing it much better than I can after several lessons! He even ran the 9km soft sand run in Manly (soft sand is seriously tough if you've not tried it!) just 3 years ago. During his life he completed 30 marathons and many ultra long distance bike rides. Until just six months ago, he cycled every single day from Allambie Heights down to Manly and back UP again wearing his trademark wetsuit! While in Manly he would do the 1.6 km ocean swim with our swim squad the 'Bold & Beautiful' and in fact we got to know him most from our shared love of ocean swimming despite having lived in the same street for so long. Dunc would occasionally collect him from our old street at 5.30am to take him to a hospital appointment or operation. Yesterday I went to the small memorial service for family and a handful of friends. On 24 June, at Bruce's request, his ashes will be scattered by the 'Bold & Beautiful' swim squad on the point where we always wait for everyone to catch up. He has also requested that everyone sings "Wish me luck as you wave me goodbye" so I can only imagine the sea level rising with the amount of tears that will fall. I will be in the UK sadly as I would have loved to farewell him in his own special requested style but Dunc will swim for us both and Matt will walk from Manly to Shelly to represent my swimming buddy Laura who is also going to the UK. He was a truly inspirational man and we are honoured and privileged to have had him in our lives.

Bruce was told by his doctor just before Christmas that his cancer was soon going to end things for him and he suggested Bruce go on a longed for trip before his 83rd birthday (10th Feb 2012). The 'Bold & Beautiful' swim squad, set up by Julie pictured below in pink shirt with the grey hoodie like mine, therefore organised a celebratory early 83rd birthday breakfast for Bruce in January after one of our ocean swims. By this stage Bruce was no longer able to cycle to Manly nor swim with us so I collected him on the morning of his birthday brekkie, he watched us swim and then at least 60 of us celebrated his birthday with him at Manly Wine over coffee. 

Not only did he get to see his real 83rd birthday in February and give a slide show of his life's achievements at the local Humph Hall to a packed hall (it went on for five hours apparently, I got there for half an hour or so after a 30 km training walk for Coastrek). He also did go on a longed for trip - he and a fellow ocean swimmer from our group took the train to Broken Hill just SIX weeks before he died!!! This is a 1,147 km trip!! It takes about 13 hours by car so I can only guess that the train journey is epic. Apparently he wanted to go as far as he could within NSW to use his free Seniors' rail pass! 

Bruce - you continued to amaze us all, right until the end. You are going to be truly missed by so many.

June - heavy rain and soggy rabbit

June so far has been a total wash out. We've had more rain on certain days than they had in over 40 years for a June day! Sid the rabbit has been inside a few times for love and cuddles. 

June 9th - Pork belly with the Howes and McPs

We had a lovely dinner with the Howes and McPs - slow cooked roast pork belly and all the trimmings. The McPs had just returned from Fiji so were sun kissed and relaxed and pleased to hear they had missed little else other than heavy rain. Pumpkin got wrapped up like a little doll by Tess and Iona and didn't seem to mind. 

May - Mother's Day artwork

I was very flattered to receive the two 'Mum' portraits by Tenzin and Iona for Mother's Day shown below. Spitting image I hear you say!

May - Lulu's 1st birthday

Our Rhodesian Ridgeback/labrador cross "Lulu" had her first birthday in May. The owner of Mia (the chocolate lab Mum in the picture) contacted all 8 puppy owners and suggested that we get them together in a dog park for a birthday romp! Six of the eight huge 1 yr old 'puppies' made it there as well as Mia the mum and the Ridgeback Dad 'Felix' pictured below like a lion at the front of his pride! Pumpkin on the right (our lab/spaniel cross) came along for the fun too.

May - Treetops

We drove to the Central Coast to meet several families from school at Treetops Adventure Park. Barney managed to pass the height test as a ten yr old so he went with Dunc and Arthur on the 10-15 yr old high climbs through trees and sliding down huge flying foxes. I stayed in the 3-10 yr old area with Tenzin and Iona. She was too small to do it alone and parents weren't allowed up on the climbing equipment so she managed to sweet talk an instructor 'Tim' into giving her one-on-one assistance for two hours! Dunc and the other Dads had a ball on the enormous black run climbs at the end and seriously high flying foxes.

Barney and good buddy Lachy.

Arthur on the training ropes before being let loose on the 10-15 yr old climbs.

Iona and her new friend 'Tim'.

Dunc on the grand finale flying fox.

Iona on the wee flying fox.

Tenzin doing his thing.

Iona's new bike

Iona and I decided it was time to trade in the small red bike that the boys had learnt to ride on and get a 2nd hand pink one with all the tassles, teddy bear baskets and back seats. Much better!!

Ocean swims, dusky whaler sharks.

Dunc and I have not done as many ocean swims as we'd like to due to busy schedules, bad weather etc. However, we did manage to get a baby sitter for the early Anzac Day swim with the Bold & Beautiful group for the usual 1.6km swim from Manly Surf Club to Shelly Beach. It was glorious in the water but a bitterly cold wind above the ocean surface. At Shelly Beach, one of the regular swimmers, Greg, played 'The Last Post' on his French horn and we stood in silence as the water lapped at our ankles and we shivered in our wet swimmers in the bitterly cold wind. I shut my eyes and visualised the scene at Gallipoli - it was quite haunting hearing the lapping of the small waves and imagining being there at the time.

A few days later Laura and I did our weekly swim and counted between 20-25 baby dusky whaler sharks (about 1 metre long). They were so stunning that I took Dunc and the kids back to Fairy Bower a few days after that and we took it in turns to stay in the sea pool with Tenzin and Iona or to snorkel out with Arthur and Barney to see the baby sharks. I went out first with the boys and we didn't go far enough as they both got nervous but when Dunc had a turn they seemed to have more confidence and loved seeing the sharks swimming below.

May - Tenzin starts taekwondo

Tenzin has decided to follow in his big brother, Arthur's, footsteps and start Taekwondo. Barney has taken up rock climbing instead and in less than 6 weeks of attending he was asked to join the climbing squad (which involves two x 2 hour climbing sessions per week rather than one session) in order to prepare for competitions and to get ready for climbing real rock faces with the team. Yikes!