Sunday, November 28, 2010


Growing a 'mo' in the month of November (hence Movember) is huge now in Australia and many other countries. Dunc decided to join the school team of two male teachers and many fathers to grow a moustache and raise money in support of men with prostate cancer and male depression. Each Dad taking part was asked to bring a photo of himself sporting the new 'tache' for the school office. We decided the whole family (minus me with the camera!) should be pictured with a moustache. Even Iona took it very seriously. Shame we didn't put one on Pumpkin too!

School play & baby elephant at Zoo...

The Allambie Heights Public School annual concert took place this week. Barn was a ghost out of 'Ghostbusters' and Arthur was dancing to Michael Jackson's 'Billie Jean'. Bit of a hoot!! The photo below was taken in the playground after doing the make-up for the ghosts!

Below is the newest Taronga Zoo baby elephant, the 3rd born in just two years. She was born about 3 weeks ago - just divine.

More wildlife...

Had to include another red bellied black snake shot - this one is a baby but looks larger than it is as I have zoomed in.

This water dragon seemed intent on coming into the house. She dug a hole the following day (just around the corner from this) and laid six eggs. She was supposed to bury them and cover them over but she got disturbed and ran off. Several hours later we put them in the hole and covered them over anyway so it will be interesting to see if they still hatch or not! Apparently once laid/buried the hatchlings are on their own anyway so Mum is not expected back to oversee the hatching out or anything!


The kids (minus Arthur who was surfing with Dunc) got a bit of painting in on the deck - practising for Grandpa's visit in January!!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


We had planned to go camping with Matt, Laura and Hamish at Coolendel but pulled the pin at the last minute due to Dunc being unwell and the forecast of inclement weather. So armed with a bucketful of gory-looking sweeties (bought with the campsite in mind!) I took the kids to Laura's for dinner to be followed by trick or treating. Just as we were due to set out after dinner, the heavens opened and our scary looking boys and tiny witch almost hit meltdown at the thought of NOT trick or treating. With a brief break in the rain we dashed up and down the street, they were sufficiently filled with sugar and then we finished with a treasure hunt indoors for the remaining booty.

More birds...

This gorgeous New Holland Honeyeater was parading itself in the tree just in front of our verandah.

Check out this Wagtail puffing himself up to attract the girls...

And here is his first admirer - joining him thoroughly impressed!!

A female Superb Fairy Wren - not quite as glorious as the stunning male with the blue head.

Firetails and Grey-Backed Silver Eyes drink from the creek together.

Family photo, Iona in sheepskin and Bean the guitarist...

After about 48 'takes' on the compulsory family shot (Pumpkin included this time of course!) this is the best we could come up with!!

A couple of years too soon, size-wise, but this fabulous coat was given to Iona by Grace Webster and I cannot wait until it fits her properly. Pumpkin was also fairly impressed with the smell of the farm animals on it.

Arthur deep in thought with his guitar practise.

The mad hatter

In Manly one day, Barney fell in love with this bizarre hat in the Billabong Surf Shop. Only Barn could get away with wearing this so Gummy bought it as an early birthday present without him knowing. When she gave it to him on their last night here he adopted a new persona - this boy needs to go on stage!!

Critters in the garden

A cheeky water dragon poking out from under the deck.

If you look closely, you will see a Red Bellied Black Snake on the right and a turtle on the left!!!

A two- headed water dragon (HA, HA!!)

Our trickly waterfall becomes full flow after heavy rain - white water rafting anyone???

The gorgeous wisteria in full bloom (albeit briefly) over the back pergola.

McPs in the paddock...

Monday, November 1, 2010

Iona's 2nd Happy Happy!!!

Iona's 2nd birthday, or her "HAPPY HAPPY" as she calls it was a wonderful day! As you can see from the photos, the excitement of unwrapping began early, the showgirl paraded herself throughout the day eagerly putting on her party dress that had been saved for the occasion.

Cousins Tess and Tom arrived with Jules and Lenka for a birthday BBQ, the long awaited PINK cupcakes were demanded all day and when they finally appeared and the singing began Iona burst into tears and hid under the table! She had to be enticed out by Dunc for the blowing of candles.

Apart from that she had a wonderful time!!

Taronga Zoo...

It wouldn't be a proper visit for Gummy and Gumpa without a trip to Taronga Zoo!

Outings with Gummy and Gumpa - Cinema, aquarium

A rainy day in the school holidays found us leaving Iona at home with Fenna to slink off to sushi lunch and the film "Despicable Me" with the boys, Gummy and Gumpa. Here are the boys sporting their 3D glasses!

An outing to Manly Oceanarium while the big boys were at school.


A special smoothie with Gummy...