Saturday, February 12, 2011

Tenzin's 5th birthday 'reptile' party...

A few days before Tenzin's actual 5th birthday he had his first ever party of his own. Alison and I took the four kids to Play Planet where we were joined by 9 others (mainly 5 yr old boys!) for 2 hrs of playing in the tunnels, birthday tea in the old fashioned bus, private reptile handler showing and passing around a variety of reptiles and more rough and tumble on the equipment before handing them back to their parents. That night we left the kids with Fenna, who had only just returned from her travels, and took Clive and Alison to a party at the Verity's. Within minutes Alison realised that she had studied at medical college with the brother of a friend's Mum who was over visiting from the UK and who we introduced to C and A soon after we arrived! This was the first of three small world events in as many days...

Good friend Lewis enjoying the 'Children's python'...

Tea in the bus...

Only the birthday boy got to hold the crocodile!

The night before Tenzin's actual birthday we had a lovely dinner with the McPs and the Howes. We had been meaning to introduce Laura, Matt and Hamish to the McPs as we knew they would get on like a house on fire. What we had not expected was to find that Laura and Lenka went to the same girls' boarding school and Clive and Matt also went to the same boarding school (slightly longer gap for the latter!) Small world indeed. Lenka and Laura even knew some of the same people, despite going a couple of years apart.

On the actual day of Tenzin's 5th birthday he went back to kindy for day one of the year, armed with 30 icy poles as it was a scorcher. That afternoon Bridget and Django came for his 3rd birthday cake - he certainly did well this year!

The birthday stunt scooter...

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