Friday, March 30, 2012

February 2012 - Arthur moves to St Augustine's

On 9th February, so the very day after Arthur's 11th birthday, we got the phone call from St Augustine's College offering Arthur a last minute spot for this year's Year 5 intake. We were thrilled as we knew how much Arthur had wanted to make the move this year. When I arrived in the playground and told him to ring Dunc (who had important news) it was quite interesting. Dunc told him he'd been offered a spot and both of us expected him to jump for joy as he'd been badgering us to call them in the holidays. However, when it came to the crunch he passed the mobile back to me and ran off saying "I just have to check with my mates!" Now I look back on it I'm actually pleased that he cared what they might think/say as oppose to thinking 'stuff them'. Anyway, he came back shortly saying "Yes, yes please, my mates tell me I am so lucky and I should just 'go for it'!" So...lucky Arthur did decide to 'go for it' and his super friend, Hugh, also got the call and made the same decision a few days later.

So far so good. They both seem very settled and happy.

Just a quick snap to show HOW MUCH Lulu has grown since last June!!

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