Friday, April 1, 2011

Flooding at Oxford Falls...

Sunday 20th March brought flooding to many areas of Sydney, including our garden! Dunc had left at 6.30am to meet Matt and do the Spit to Manly walk - Matt is training for a 100km walk in April so had been out walking since 4.30am that morning in torrential rain! I woke around 8am and suddenly Arthur and I realised that the three rabbits (in cages) were sitting in inches of water as the whole front expanse of lawn was under water and getting deeper by the minute. Sid and Momo had climbed onto the roofs of their bedrooms but Graham is fatter and his roof is higher so he was literally floating in several inches of water and soggy straw. Arthur and I waded through deep water to retrieve the rabbits and 'rabbit rescue' then turned into 'rabbit cuddling' in front of the log fire. They were all in shock and obviously enjoyed the attention and being wrapped in towels before the fire. They stayed in with us until lunchtime when the rain had subsided and the cages were repositioned on higher ground behind the house! It got quite scary at one stage as both creeks either side of the main lawn were at the top of their banks (touching the underside of the bridge that we cross to get to the house) and the volume and strength of the stormwater rushing through was immense. Arthur and I stayed well away from the sides of the creeks and the power of the water and all the younger ones (+ Django) stayed inside on 'rabbit watch'!

A few hours later the boys enjoyed the remaining puddles with boogie boards - who needs a pool??

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