Friday, April 1, 2011

Tenzin plays U6 rugby league...

Tenzin, who turned five in January, has already spent the last two winters watching Arthur, then Barney join the ranks of Forestville Ferrets rugby league Club. He came along to watch his two older brothers at their first training session a few weeks ago (admittedly wearing a pair of tiny footy boots that had been passed onto us by friends with much smaller boys just in case!)
I asked if he'd like to give training a go with the U6 team and after a few minutes of disinterest he bolted onto the field to join them and hasn't looked back since! It was torrential rain on the afternoon of his first trial game so Iona went to bed and I stayed behind with her but I won't be missing the action this weekend when they have their first real game vs Belrose!

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