Saturday, March 31, 2012

March 2012 - a visit from Eliza and LOTS of rain

My beautiful Eliza (from Alastair Sawday's Tours days) came to Sydney as her gorgeous daughter, Rosey, is based in Melbourne. It was such a brief visit - they arrived in Manly at lunchtime, I collected them and took them home to the ranch, then we had school collection and a quick coffee/ice cream at Little Manly before I had to drop them back at the wharf but it was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO amazing to have that window of time with Eliza. We worked together for about 3 years from 1994-1997 and she was such an incredible presence in the tiny office room that we shared - me, Eliza and Louise. Bloody marvellous to have her here having seen her in Sydney when Arthur was a tiny baby and then again in London when we had two kids. Cannot quite believe that I haven't made it back to Bristol for about 15 years!! Something must be done about this...

We have had lots and lots of rain this summer and no one notices in our local area as much as we do - the creeks swell and we go from a trickle of water to a 'white water rafting' style flow of water on the outer creek. The pictures below show the smaller of the two creeks touching the underside of the bridge (usually about two feet below the bridge!!) and the whole expanse of front lawn underwater as the creeks have risen on both sides and the water has had to just join in the middle. Fortunately these water levels sink as quickly as they rise and the house is on stilts at the front of a sloping block so we feel quite safe. Honest!

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