Saturday, March 10, 2012

September 2011 - Ducklings, possums & bizarre photos

It feels very strange to go from talking about Dunc having cancer to normal life back at the 'ranch' but that is how it is - life goes on and we had to maintain as normal an existence for the kids as possible. Dunc would end up being off work for several months following surgery so in that respect the kids were lucky to have more time with him than usual.

We put three fertilised duck eggs under one of our broody hens and she diligently sat on them and out hatched three gorgeous Pekin ducks. Hilarious to watch the three of them always waddling in a threesome and usually close behind the black hen who they were convinced was 'mum'!

Cheeky possums who have set up home in a cavity outside the playroom and bitten through wires so we've had to have all the electrics in that room cut off and made safe.

Some bizarre photos of the boys...

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