Saturday, March 24, 2012

November 2011 - ballet and boys

Here is Tenzin with his best mate, Charlie, being crazy aliens with breadstick antennae! It became a ritual for me and Fi (Charlie's mum) to spend nearly every Thursday together with the boys and Iona this past few months as soon enough they would be starting big school. Most Thursdays were spent at Little Manly, Oceanworld, the Zoo or Little Manly again! We are going to miss these two big time when they start school.

Check out my 'pinkle ponkle' in her ballet gear. She started three weeks before the end of the Christmas term and seems to love it. I made a half hearted effort (I only asked Lenka and Kirsten) if they had any 'hand me down' ballet clothes to pass on. Neither of them did so I then gaily skipped to a dance shop with Iona in tow to buy ALL the new goodies. Such a treat after three boys to be doing something so utterly girlie. Let's hope her interest in ballet lasts longer than mine at that age!

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